lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Post 6: The new

The past Friday occurred an amazing fact in Argentina, specifically, in the football local league, the AFA, in one of the matches of the weekend. 
Lanus plays with Arsenal De Sarandi for the penultimate match of the league. At the end of the match, the referee Andres Merlos becomes crazy and thief.
Arsenal was winning the match 2-1 to Lanus at the 95th minute. The referee gave five minutes of additionally time, but when the time is over, He does not finished the match and Lanus scores a polemic goal, and the match apparently goes over 2-2.

But Andres Merlos become more crazy yet, and say that the match doesn't finished, so He gave one minute more of extra time. The people, the players and the manager of Arsenal, Martin Palermo, can´t believe it that was happen in the field.

Lanus becomes in a violent team because the players gave strong kicks to the Arsenal players, then Lanus going to the attack and scores another goal at the minute 99th!. 
They made many fouls and injustices, but Andres Merlos say that all was fine. And the match finished with the victory of Lanus for 3-2 against Arsenal.

The notice doesn't affect my community or country, but send a clear and strong message about the trickery of matches in the football.

I think that I will be very happy if I listen that in the football do not happen this things, because the football is the best sport in the world.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


This year has been a good year for me...or I think so..
Because I did many things that grown me like person.
For example, I had two important travels at this year. To Brasil and New York.
To Brasil because was the Fifa World Cup and with my brother  we went to that country to follow Chile national soccer team. There was a very good travel because we know many interesting people of all countrys of the world, like Holland, Germany, Southafrica or Korea. And the matches was so emotionally that I cried in the stadium when Chile plays with Spain, Holland and Brasil.
And the travel to New indescribably.

I think that the great achievements of this year was to be more responsible and hard-working person.
That was very useful for me because help me to get many things that will be essential to my professional life, like a powerful camera and Macbook.
In relation to this, I found the most important thing that I didn´t yet.
But.... is a secret.

But the thing that is not a secret, is that I´m a leader of some teams in things that are very importat for me, like the soccer and my career. I´m the leader of two soccer teams, Exalitica and Idols Fc. And I will direct a project of a television series called "Hasta los gatos mueren". Where I put all my chips.

I´m waiting for Interstellar and Foxcatcher in the cinema.


lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


When I think in the money... in think in a lot of different things.. I think in my dreams, in the people, in the ambition, in the economy.... i think the money is important part of the society..

For me.. the money is not the motor of my life, but it´s a important way to fulfilling the real motor of my life. That its my dreams and ambitions.
So the money its important for me, because i need the money to have an essential part of the basic instruments to become in a professional and independent cinematographer, and its obviously that I need money ever that i want to make a movie or a short film.

BUT.. in my normal life, I´m not very seriously whit the money, because I´m very very good to spend my money in whatever that I want. For example in alcohol or fast food. Or I´m good to spend money in things that never I use, like a lanterns or clothes. I think the lanterns are amazing and very useful, so whatever where I saw a lantern, I bought a lantern. And then I miss the lantern because I´m extremely good to lost my things.
In this case, it´s obviously that I´m bad to managing my budget. If I were organized, maybe at this moment, I would have a house and a Lamborghini. I would be millionaire.

Be millionaire it must be amazing, because it´s possible to have all things that you want and give to the people, the things that they want. Like Elvis Presley or Ballotelli. Because Ballotelli gives the half of his salary (like $5.000.000) to the people in Africa.
So in this case, I would give houses to my Mother, because she need their own house.
I think that the people needs to sacrifice somethings and give the first step to win money. For example, I would give my Saint Seiya toy to the moneylender, and I would use the money to buy a camera to make my first movie.

A council.... be organized with the money if you want to be successful with your dreams. 

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Always i´Mm thinking, if i will work when finish my career...

Now... i don't know because its difficult to decide in what i want to work and in what it´s possible to work. In my career its difficult to find a good work. The cinema market is small and the professionals of cinema are too much.

In this moment i have a work, and it look like a dream, because i work in La Magia Azul. It´s a magazine, website and radio about the soccer team Universidad De Chile, the team that i love. 

In this work, i have to go to the matches where la "U" plays, and for free!!.
it´s amazing because i go to the field with my camera and i must to take pictures and videos. Really.. my work sounds amazing because i make two of the things that i love... but in this moment, it´s not so funny.

This work with the website of La Magia Azul, its beginning, so at this moment i don't have pay... sometimes i don't want to work because i´m tired

My dream will be have this work, receive a good money and use the money to write scripts and make independent movies with my camera.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014



I think that some friends are for the entire life but some friends there was changing in the time, because the people never has been in the same place. The people changing and move from a place to another place because the people needs to study,  live and work in many places in their life. In each one of this places, I meet different persons that are very very important for me and I’ll be with each one of them for me entire life.

For example, three of my best friends are Amable, Toño y Paulo. I was meet them in the school, but in different years. Three have been my classmates but since 3th grade to 7th grade, Toño was my better friend and still are one of my best friends. From 7th grade to forward, Paulo y Amable was my better friends, and now, we are a best friends because we play football together and go to the beach each holidays.

In the university I was meet too much people that are very important for me, but some ones of them are more important and I think that we will be friends for the entire life, independent from the place where them will be or I will be. In the university my best friends always be El yayo, El nico and El juanpi, because I talk to them each day and they are a very confident friends. If I travel to the hell, they must travel with me.
I think I have best friends since 3th grade when I was have eight years. Are many memories that I have to remind my best friends but I don’t want to write these memories here because it`s not necessary.

 They are my idols and heros.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

My favourite movie

My favorite movie always be Littleman.
I don't have any dude about this and every time that i think in a movie, i think in Littleman.

This movie is the history about Calvin, a very short thief and convict. When he out of the prison, Calvin plots a jewelry shop robbery with the help of his stupid friend Percy. Calvin and Percy wants to steal one of the world's largest and expensive diamonds in the world. (A diamond in the sky, like the song of Rihanna)
When they successful the hard work, the police are almost to arrested them. But Calvin put the diamond in the bag of a nearby woman. When the niggas escape of the shop, they follow the woman to her home where they discover that she is married with Darryl, a very dumb nigga. The couple wants to have a baby soon.

Calvin, who is more smart than his friend, plot to pass as like a baby left on the couple's doorstep.
When Darryl seen the baby, he with Vanessa ( His wife), decide to adopt the stranger baby. And give a better quality of life to baby Calvin.

From this point to forward, the movie as very funny and hilarious, because the grandfather, Pops, has bad feeling about Calvin, but baby Calvin is the real idol because he humiliate Pops every time, and the fathers always that Pops is sad with the baby. It´s really really stupid that the couple doesn't realize of the lie. Is very obviously that Calvin is not a baby, because he have the attributes of an adult, and Calvin every wants to make the love with Vanessa or their woman friends.

I don't want to write nothing more about this amazing movie because i very angry and bye, i go to my home to see Littleman in bluray for one thousand times in my life.

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

The place that i want to visit

There are are many places in the world that i really want to visit. Obviously i want to visit the typical places like Japan, Paris or London.
But for me, the special places in the world are others, places that i seen in my favorite movies. Places that aren't specials for their beauty or amazing things. Are places that are specials for their stories, for the memories they bring to me.

I don't able to say one town or city in special, but i have a fascination for the little towns thats appear in USA movies.
I love the towns that appear in movies, like Schenectady, Ny. The place where was filmed The place beyond the pines.

Really i want to visit towns like this one because when i finish my career, i will go to USA to continue my studies. And i dream to film a movie in a small town with the people that live in the place, or find a new star of the cinema.

In nine days more i will visit New York. Is the first visit to USA for me, and i very hopefully to know this little towns, because they saved many stories that need to be filmed and bring to the cinema.

Maybe in this travel i will begin to meet my dreams.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Joseph Michael

I am Joseph Michael Pena, I´m studying cinema and tv at University of Chile. I´m in fourth year of the career and i need to study one year more to finish, and become in a professional.

I´m twenty two years old and i from Independencia. Where i live with my mother, one of my sister and my niece, la Aaaaangele. Also, i living with my two french bulldogs La diosa and El kinkon.

Apart from this, many things are important for me. Like a healthy life of my body and my mind. I practice a lot of sports and i like to read some books and see great movies.

I think that my greatest weakness are my memory. Because i have a serious problem with that. I forget things all the time. In this sense, english it´s not easy for me because is hard to me learn some things like the grammar rules. The use of nouns or verbs and the moment when i need to use them is really a problem to me.

I very hopefully to discover the way to work with my problem and learn more and more english, and see all the movies without subtitles.

Semester 2 Level 4

lunes, 30 de junio de 2014



mmm is really difficult write or choose one song of all songs that i heard in my entire life
but if i must to pick one that would be Jigsaw Falling Into Place of the album In Rainbows from Radiohead.
I'm not sure it's my favorite song, but I think it depends on the moment in which one finds. In other moment maybe i would choose Comfortably Numb or some from Chayanne, But i think that song are the appropriate song for this moment.
It´s perfect because in this moment i fell so quite and also feel the adrenaline that means be in Brasil, in the Fifa World Cup. That feelings i live when hear the song. Is amazing.


Yes, really i wait this blog for days, weeks, months or maybe years..
Speak about football is something that I want to do since I create this blog.

Football is one of my passions, one of my hobbies, is a very important thing for me.

I born playing football in my neighborhood. In poor neighborhood, Conchali, where born the hero of the chilean team in the world cup, Gary "The pitbull" Medel .
A neighborhood where all the kids hung out and we lived on the street just to play football, everything revolved around the balloon. So we make great friendships and share our dreams about football. About becoming in a soccer star like someone of the players that represent our country in the world cup, in Brasil.

Today I am not a child, I'm not poor as when I lived in Conchali, but I love football as much when he was 10. I enjoy it and I practice it whenever I can.
Today, I am in Brazil, following my national team which I am proud.
Maybe I not compliance my childhood dream of being a footballer but if I am fulfilling one of my dreams, and that is to be in a world where all the stars come together in one place to dazzle the world and make each of us back for a month, to be a child.
A child around the most beautiful sport in the world.


My Blog Experience:

I need to talk about my blog experience? What i can't say about my blog experience?

The blog experience is a good thing, is a space to write and be expressive with my tastes and my ideas.
Its very useful because i write in english and also learn too much.
Other thing that is very important and interesting of this experience, is that i have to think in english and this must be one of the most necessary steps that one must to take to speak a better english.

Also, the blog experience is good because i can speak about many thing, like books, movies, music or food, and in this way is eAsy to find people that like the same things. For example would be nice to find someone who likes the same movie, the same book or the same song. People that thinks like me, people who i talk about my tastes without know them.

Really i feel that is space where i can and i must be free to say all that i want to say. And i hope that much people know blogger because they find many possibilities to learn and comunicate.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Fahrenheit 451

Possibly, is one of my favorite books, not the only one, but is the book that I must talk right now.
Fahrenheit 451, from the master of the science fiction, Ray Bradbury, is a dystopian book from 1953.

This book is simply amazing, interesting and beautiful and speak about the society in a unspecified future. In this future, the government decided that the firemans not turn off the fire, but they create the fire. The fire to disappears the books and all that the books have to say us.

¿Why the fire in the books sound so dystopian, so horrible?

Because the books are all of us because the books speak about our history, about our memories, about that we are and about will be in the future.

In this horrible society, the government decides that people does not have think, doesn´t have questions about the world or the society or the injustice. So they decide that people have to burn his books and turn on the TV. The people have to watch, breath and learn from the TV. The people need fun all day long and stop thinking about the things that the society questions from the beginning of the times. So then the people will be happy and will not have complications

It´s not necessary that I must speak more about the book because you have to decide if you have to read this book (or other books, obviusly) or you want to turn the TV and watch the news.

All I need to say is:

"The sun burnt every day. It burnt time… Time was busy burning the years and the people anyway, without any help from him. So if he burnt things with the firemen and the sun burnt time, that meant that everything burnt!”

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Really, i don´t want to speak about one person or one expert on my field, Cinematography. I want to speak about many of them, about the supposed experts on my field, because from outside, all the people are experts but in the practice, some few.

Why i speak about this? Because in the history of the cinema, many guys who say be experts on the cinema, engaged to criticize and talk about movies constantly, saying those who are good directors, which is good cinema, who deserves the Oscar, the golden globes or winning the Cannes festival.
From this way, the only think they get, its to support or destroy carrers according to what they want or what they should.

Really, It´s very easy speak about a movie, about the photography or about the history of a film. But is difficult to make one, is a lot of teamwork that depends of many persons, who must give their best to get a good movie.

I want to say one director in special, he are great critic and film theorist, but also great directors. Martin Scorsese, all my respect.

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Nicolas Windign Refn is one of the most polemics directors in Hollywood. With few movies like Bronson (2009), Drive (2011) and Only God Forgives (2012), put his name in the world of cinema. He have many others movies, but this movies are the most famous because he use two amazing actors like Tom Hardy in Bronson and Ryan Gosling in Drive and Only God Forgives. And he have a very definite style.

I´m not sure that Drive are my favorite movie, maybe it´s impossible to me say one film. For me, decide about one film, depends of the moment, context and the quality of the film.
Drive, without doubts is a very special movie of a very special director, who condense in this film the perfect combination between the form and the history.

Since the first scene of Drive, i note that the treatment of the photography and the sound would be amazing.
Because the light, the movement and the color in each plane has the intention of represents something or say something to us. And the music that sounds is truly beautiful, because the soundtrack of the movie is one of the best that I heard in my life. It´s really incredible the work in this case, because Drive is a very silent movie, that shine for the absence of dialogs and the calm of the protagonist. Because Ryan Gosling say very few things in all the movie.... does not even says his name. But, we know perfectly well that his eyes and what we see in every shot tell us all what the story needs, what we need to understand.
The story is also very nice, it's based on a book, but I heard many people say that this adaptation is much better. Explains a driver of risky scenes in movies which is also mechanical. Of whom we know nothing more, until he meets a woman, the amazing Carey Mulligan, through which the protagonist gets into a lot of problems, where appears actors like Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) or Ron Perlman (Hellboy). These end up solving problems so incredible and filmed scenes of revenge and violence that leave us impressed.

I don´t want to say anymore about the movie, because i want that you see the movie.
Only i would say... You know the history about the scorpion and the frog?.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Ok computer.
Ok computer.
Ok computer.

What i would say about this disc?
Sincerely, are many words to describe this masterpiece of Radiohead...but not only words, because when i hear the disc.. emotions, ideas and many other things came to my mind.
Radiohead is one of my favorite bands and probably, one of the best bands of the world. Each song, each disc sounds different from the other and means something for me.

But, why Ok computer is my favorite disc?
Ok computer is the third album disc of Radiohead, is from 1997 and in that year i had five years probably, doesn´t listen the disc when it went on sell. For me, the disc is amazing because talk about things that happens today and probably will happen in the future.. is a disc that will transcend the years and with the music.
Another thing that i consider important to found a great disc, is that all the songs sound different but perfectly complementary, like a unity...or a football team.
In this case probably the stars of the team are songs like Paranoid Android ( i heard the song at live, and is absolutely amazing), Karma Police or No surprises. ( I cry when i hear the song and at live is the most beautiful song in the world), but other songs like Airbag o Let down are absolutely pretty and the sound is perfect.

I hope that you hear the disc when you feels good and when you feels bad.. and feel the difference.

Good Music.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Playstation, My idol.

When i was 8 years old, i had a Super Nintendo. A great console with great games like Batman, International Super Star Soccer or Mario Bros. One of my favorite console yet. But for my birthday, all change. I didn´t know what my parents would give me, even i was think that any present comes to me.
But, at 20:00, my dad give me a present. A box, a mysterious box.

When i opened the box, i saw the beautiful Playstation 1 and knew that never fail me. That never betray me.
Many years, the Playstation was my friend. Until i get the Playstation 2, even years after, at 2006, Playstation 3 comes to me. And last November I bought the Playstation 4.

All of this years, i was fun with the best games of the history, with my black love.
Winning Eleven, Fifa, Metal Gear, The Last Of Us or Mortal Kombat are some of the games that accompanied me on the adventure with my first love.

Playstation, i´ll never forget you and i hope that you are with me forever.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

The Seventh Semester

This semester is one of the most importants of my carrer because i call that the misleading semester.
When started this semester, i think that is very relaxed because the schedules and the names of subjects looks easy. But very quickly i learn that is not a easy semester, in fact, is a very important semester because everyone should be responsible for themselves.


Subjects like "Production", "Television" or "Post production" are not the things for wich one enter to "Cinema and Television". But in this cases i learned that i must to do anything to finish the university, because move a camera or give instructions about my ideas is not the only that the professional life will require me. 

As for my free time, i hope that the sports, the family, my dogs and my friends are so important in my life as they have always been. Even i want to be better yet, and learn new things like Muay Thai or Boxing.

If i can success all goals that i set to this semester, this should be a very beatiful year in my carrer.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

My name is José Miguel Peña, Chilean and I'm 21 years old. I study Cinema and TV at the Universidad de Chile, the traditional university in the country.
I like to play sports like football or going to the gym, because I think that maintaining a healthy body is very important to feel calm. While thinking and having ideas, I like reading, walking and especially my favorite activity is watching movies.
In fact, the movies are very important for me, because is not only a hobby. The movies are my profession, my future and my happiness.
There are also a lot of other things to know about Joseph Michael Peña, like my love for the videogames or tv shows like Dragon Ball Z, Or my beautiful french bulldog dogs and especially my sense of humor