lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

My Blog Experience:

I need to talk about my blog experience? What i can't say about my blog experience?

The blog experience is a good thing, is a space to write and be expressive with my tastes and my ideas.
Its very useful because i write in english and also learn too much.
Other thing that is very important and interesting of this experience, is that i have to think in english and this must be one of the most necessary steps that one must to take to speak a better english.

Also, the blog experience is good because i can speak about many thing, like books, movies, music or food, and in this way is eAsy to find people that like the same things. For example would be nice to find someone who likes the same movie, the same book or the same song. People that thinks like me, people who i talk about my tastes without know them.

Really i feel that is space where i can and i must be free to say all that i want to say. And i hope that much people know blogger because they find many possibilities to learn and comunicate.

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