lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


Yes, really i wait this blog for days, weeks, months or maybe years..
Speak about football is something that I want to do since I create this blog.

Football is one of my passions, one of my hobbies, is a very important thing for me.

I born playing football in my neighborhood. In poor neighborhood, Conchali, where born the hero of the chilean team in the world cup, Gary "The pitbull" Medel .
A neighborhood where all the kids hung out and we lived on the street just to play football, everything revolved around the balloon. So we make great friendships and share our dreams about football. About becoming in a soccer star like someone of the players that represent our country in the world cup, in Brasil.

Today I am not a child, I'm not poor as when I lived in Conchali, but I love football as much when he was 10. I enjoy it and I practice it whenever I can.
Today, I am in Brazil, following my national team which I am proud.
Maybe I not compliance my childhood dream of being a footballer but if I am fulfilling one of my dreams, and that is to be in a world where all the stars come together in one place to dazzle the world and make each of us back for a month, to be a child.
A child around the most beautiful sport in the world.


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