lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Fahrenheit 451

Possibly, is one of my favorite books, not the only one, but is the book that I must talk right now.
Fahrenheit 451, from the master of the science fiction, Ray Bradbury, is a dystopian book from 1953.

This book is simply amazing, interesting and beautiful and speak about the society in a unspecified future. In this future, the government decided that the firemans not turn off the fire, but they create the fire. The fire to disappears the books and all that the books have to say us.

¿Why the fire in the books sound so dystopian, so horrible?

Because the books are all of us because the books speak about our history, about our memories, about that we are and about will be in the future.

In this horrible society, the government decides that people does not have think, doesn´t have questions about the world or the society or the injustice. So they decide that people have to burn his books and turn on the TV. The people have to watch, breath and learn from the TV. The people need fun all day long and stop thinking about the things that the society questions from the beginning of the times. So then the people will be happy and will not have complications

It´s not necessary that I must speak more about the book because you have to decide if you have to read this book (or other books, obviusly) or you want to turn the TV and watch the news.

All I need to say is:

"The sun burnt every day. It burnt time… Time was busy burning the years and the people anyway, without any help from him. So if he burnt things with the firemen and the sun burnt time, that meant that everything burnt!”

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