lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Ok computer.
Ok computer.
Ok computer.

What i would say about this disc?
Sincerely, are many words to describe this masterpiece of Radiohead...but not only words, because when i hear the disc.. emotions, ideas and many other things came to my mind.
Radiohead is one of my favorite bands and probably, one of the best bands of the world. Each song, each disc sounds different from the other and means something for me.

But, why Ok computer is my favorite disc?
Ok computer is the third album disc of Radiohead, is from 1997 and in that year i had five years probably, doesn´t listen the disc when it went on sell. For me, the disc is amazing because talk about things that happens today and probably will happen in the future.. is a disc that will transcend the years and with the music.
Another thing that i consider important to found a great disc, is that all the songs sound different but perfectly complementary, like a unity...or a football team.
In this case probably the stars of the team are songs like Paranoid Android ( i heard the song at live, and is absolutely amazing), Karma Police or No surprises. ( I cry when i hear the song and at live is the most beautiful song in the world), but other songs like Airbag o Let down are absolutely pretty and the sound is perfect.

I hope that you hear the disc when you feels good and when you feels bad.. and feel the difference.

Good Music.

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