lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Always i´Mm thinking, if i will work when finish my career...

Now... i don't know because its difficult to decide in what i want to work and in what it´s possible to work. In my career its difficult to find a good work. The cinema market is small and the professionals of cinema are too much.

In this moment i have a work, and it look like a dream, because i work in La Magia Azul. It´s a magazine, website and radio about the soccer team Universidad De Chile, the team that i love. 

In this work, i have to go to the matches where la "U" plays, and for free!!.
it´s amazing because i go to the field with my camera and i must to take pictures and videos. Really.. my work sounds amazing because i make two of the things that i love... but in this moment, it´s not so funny.

This work with the website of La Magia Azul, its beginning, so at this moment i don't have pay... sometimes i don't want to work because i´m tired

My dream will be have this work, receive a good money and use the money to write scripts and make independent movies with my camera.

4 comentarios:

  1. everybody knows that the team of Obama is Colo Colo


  2. I never realized that you have Audrey Horne behind your writings, which bring me to the next thing: going for free to "la U" matches is awesome, It would be great (x1000) to do that. I'm thinking about Audrey Horne right now, and certainly for the rest of the week. Thanks for that.
