lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014


Always i´Mm thinking, if i will work when finish my career...

Now... i don't know because its difficult to decide in what i want to work and in what it´s possible to work. In my career its difficult to find a good work. The cinema market is small and the professionals of cinema are too much.

In this moment i have a work, and it look like a dream, because i work in La Magia Azul. It´s a magazine, website and radio about the soccer team Universidad De Chile, the team that i love. 

In this work, i have to go to the matches where la "U" plays, and for free!!.
it´s amazing because i go to the field with my camera and i must to take pictures and videos. Really.. my work sounds amazing because i make two of the things that i love... but in this moment, it´s not so funny.

This work with the website of La Magia Azul, its beginning, so at this moment i don't have pay... sometimes i don't want to work because i´m tired

My dream will be have this work, receive a good money and use the money to write scripts and make independent movies with my camera.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014



I think that some friends are for the entire life but some friends there was changing in the time, because the people never has been in the same place. The people changing and move from a place to another place because the people needs to study,  live and work in many places in their life. In each one of this places, I meet different persons that are very very important for me and I’ll be with each one of them for me entire life.

For example, three of my best friends are Amable, Toño y Paulo. I was meet them in the school, but in different years. Three have been my classmates but since 3th grade to 7th grade, Toño was my better friend and still are one of my best friends. From 7th grade to forward, Paulo y Amable was my better friends, and now, we are a best friends because we play football together and go to the beach each holidays.

In the university I was meet too much people that are very important for me, but some ones of them are more important and I think that we will be friends for the entire life, independent from the place where them will be or I will be. In the university my best friends always be El yayo, El nico and El juanpi, because I talk to them each day and they are a very confident friends. If I travel to the hell, they must travel with me.
I think I have best friends since 3th grade when I was have eight years. Are many memories that I have to remind my best friends but I don’t want to write these memories here because it`s not necessary.

 They are my idols and heros.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

My favourite movie

My favorite movie always be Littleman.
I don't have any dude about this and every time that i think in a movie, i think in Littleman.

This movie is the history about Calvin, a very short thief and convict. When he out of the prison, Calvin plots a jewelry shop robbery with the help of his stupid friend Percy. Calvin and Percy wants to steal one of the world's largest and expensive diamonds in the world. (A diamond in the sky, like the song of Rihanna)
When they successful the hard work, the police are almost to arrested them. But Calvin put the diamond in the bag of a nearby woman. When the niggas escape of the shop, they follow the woman to her home where they discover that she is married with Darryl, a very dumb nigga. The couple wants to have a baby soon.

Calvin, who is more smart than his friend, plot to pass as like a baby left on the couple's doorstep.
When Darryl seen the baby, he with Vanessa ( His wife), decide to adopt the stranger baby. And give a better quality of life to baby Calvin.

From this point to forward, the movie as very funny and hilarious, because the grandfather, Pops, has bad feeling about Calvin, but baby Calvin is the real idol because he humiliate Pops every time, and the fathers always that Pops is sad with the baby. It´s really really stupid that the couple doesn't realize of the lie. Is very obviously that Calvin is not a baby, because he have the attributes of an adult, and Calvin every wants to make the love with Vanessa or their woman friends.

I don't want to write nothing more about this amazing movie because i very angry and bye, i go to my home to see Littleman in bluray for one thousand times in my life.