lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Post 6: The new

The past Friday occurred an amazing fact in Argentina, specifically, in the football local league, the AFA, in one of the matches of the weekend. 
Lanus plays with Arsenal De Sarandi for the penultimate match of the league. At the end of the match, the referee Andres Merlos becomes crazy and thief.
Arsenal was winning the match 2-1 to Lanus at the 95th minute. The referee gave five minutes of additionally time, but when the time is over, He does not finished the match and Lanus scores a polemic goal, and the match apparently goes over 2-2.

But Andres Merlos become more crazy yet, and say that the match doesn't finished, so He gave one minute more of extra time. The people, the players and the manager of Arsenal, Martin Palermo, can´t believe it that was happen in the field.

Lanus becomes in a violent team because the players gave strong kicks to the Arsenal players, then Lanus going to the attack and scores another goal at the minute 99th!. 
They made many fouls and injustices, but Andres Merlos say that all was fine. And the match finished with the victory of Lanus for 3-2 against Arsenal.

The notice doesn't affect my community or country, but send a clear and strong message about the trickery of matches in the football.

I think that I will be very happy if I listen that in the football do not happen this things, because the football is the best sport in the world.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014


This year has been a good year for me...or I think so..
Because I did many things that grown me like person.
For example, I had two important travels at this year. To Brasil and New York.
To Brasil because was the Fifa World Cup and with my brother  we went to that country to follow Chile national soccer team. There was a very good travel because we know many interesting people of all countrys of the world, like Holland, Germany, Southafrica or Korea. And the matches was so emotionally that I cried in the stadium when Chile plays with Spain, Holland and Brasil.
And the travel to New indescribably.

I think that the great achievements of this year was to be more responsible and hard-working person.
That was very useful for me because help me to get many things that will be essential to my professional life, like a powerful camera and Macbook.
In relation to this, I found the most important thing that I didn´t yet.
But.... is a secret.

But the thing that is not a secret, is that I´m a leader of some teams in things that are very importat for me, like the soccer and my career. I´m the leader of two soccer teams, Exalitica and Idols Fc. And I will direct a project of a television series called "Hasta los gatos mueren". Where I put all my chips.

I´m waiting for Interstellar and Foxcatcher in the cinema.
