lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

The place that i want to visit

There are are many places in the world that i really want to visit. Obviously i want to visit the typical places like Japan, Paris or London.
But for me, the special places in the world are others, places that i seen in my favorite movies. Places that aren't specials for their beauty or amazing things. Are places that are specials for their stories, for the memories they bring to me.

I don't able to say one town or city in special, but i have a fascination for the little towns thats appear in USA movies.
I love the towns that appear in movies, like Schenectady, Ny. The place where was filmed The place beyond the pines.

Really i want to visit towns like this one because when i finish my career, i will go to USA to continue my studies. And i dream to film a movie in a small town with the people that live in the place, or find a new star of the cinema.

In nine days more i will visit New York. Is the first visit to USA for me, and i very hopefully to know this little towns, because they saved many stories that need to be filmed and bring to the cinema.

Maybe in this travel i will begin to meet my dreams.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Joseph Michael

I am Joseph Michael Pena, I´m studying cinema and tv at University of Chile. I´m in fourth year of the career and i need to study one year more to finish, and become in a professional.

I´m twenty two years old and i from Independencia. Where i live with my mother, one of my sister and my niece, la Aaaaangele. Also, i living with my two french bulldogs La diosa and El kinkon.

Apart from this, many things are important for me. Like a healthy life of my body and my mind. I practice a lot of sports and i like to read some books and see great movies.

I think that my greatest weakness are my memory. Because i have a serious problem with that. I forget things all the time. In this sense, english it´s not easy for me because is hard to me learn some things like the grammar rules. The use of nouns or verbs and the moment when i need to use them is really a problem to me.

I very hopefully to discover the way to work with my problem and learn more and more english, and see all the movies without subtitles.

Semester 2 Level 4