lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


When I think in the money... in think in a lot of different things.. I think in my dreams, in the people, in the ambition, in the economy.... i think the money is important part of the society..

For me.. the money is not the motor of my life, but it´s a important way to fulfilling the real motor of my life. That its my dreams and ambitions.
So the money its important for me, because i need the money to have an essential part of the basic instruments to become in a professional and independent cinematographer, and its obviously that I need money ever that i want to make a movie or a short film.

BUT.. in my normal life, I´m not very seriously whit the money, because I´m very very good to spend my money in whatever that I want. For example in alcohol or fast food. Or I´m good to spend money in things that never I use, like a lanterns or clothes. I think the lanterns are amazing and very useful, so whatever where I saw a lantern, I bought a lantern. And then I miss the lantern because I´m extremely good to lost my things.
In this case, it´s obviously that I´m bad to managing my budget. If I were organized, maybe at this moment, I would have a house and a Lamborghini. I would be millionaire.

Be millionaire it must be amazing, because it´s possible to have all things that you want and give to the people, the things that they want. Like Elvis Presley or Ballotelli. Because Ballotelli gives the half of his salary (like $5.000.000) to the people in Africa.
So in this case, I would give houses to my Mother, because she need their own house.
I think that the people needs to sacrifice somethings and give the first step to win money. For example, I would give my Saint Seiya toy to the moneylender, and I would use the money to buy a camera to make my first movie.

A council.... be organized with the money if you want to be successful with your dreams.